Thriive is a new and simple system that enables anyone to generate an income without actually selling anything.
Thriive Zero’s in on small under-served super targeted niche market’s avoiding competition while still enabling users to generate real evergreen and passive results from their own micro businesses without barriers
We call them…Tiny Evergreen Super Businesses because Thriive is ‘Self Contained’ and Instead of a few short term bucks here and there the formula builds users a sustainable micro business…
Minimal Competition: Thriive works by avoiding competition and targeting underserved, often hidden audiences.
Proven Formula: Triive semi automates a proven formula enabling users to quickly create little under the radar businesses which continue to scale and generate results
Real Results…
Thriive is all about the audience… users use Thriive to target and serve specific audiences for maximum results
In a nutshell… Thriive users get to plug into a proven yet underused low competition formula without needing any experience, tech know-how or cost.
Thriive capitalises on a little known minimal competition formula which targets audience sub-sectors for maximum impact.
The software finds the profitable sectors (most people will never know about these hidden audiences) and builds a hub around core triggers so users can generate passive and evergreen results.
Minimal Competition – Underserved Sub-Sector Audience – Massive Profit Potential
Unique . Powerful . Simple
Thriive is designed specifically to be ‘Low-Tech’, easy to understand and apply.
We’ve designed and created this clever but simple system from scratch to work within a tried and tested model for generating income from tiny underserved audiences It’s an easy to understand and implement formula which means absolutely anyone can use it and succeed.
Suitable for Complete Newbies through to Seasoned Pros
Activate In 3 Steps
1: Goldmine: Use Thriive to mine (reveal) a profitable sub-sector & zero in on 6-7 core triggers. Thriive verifies potential before you do another thing.
2: Thriive ‘TESB’: Create your Thriive ‘T.E.S.B’ (Tiny Evergreen Super Business) hub
3: Multiple Income Streams: Plug in one, two, three, or all of the Thriive income generators
4: Activate: activate your T.E.S.B hub
Guaranteed to Get Results
Thriive uses a clever but simple ‘minimal competition’ formula which pinpoints specific sub-sector audiences
Resulting in easier to achieve passive results and an evergreen business which grows instead of die’s
Guaranteed Results !
When your customers follow the system detailed in Thriive and use the software they can realistically expect to generate real ongoing results… And they really are ongoing!
Front End Features: (Thriive – CORE – $16.93)
1 THRIIVE site creation
Syndication to 4 platforms
Keyword/ Niche finder tool: – Generate profitable Ideas
Drill Down: your niche using our Niche/keyword finder tool
Validate idea using our built in validation tool (Available products/ enough reviews/ Gravity) – Make sure the idea / niche will work before you start!
Finalize idea with 1 main keyword and 6-7 allied keywords
Create site with optimal on page optimization for organic placement
Content generation (Restriction: 90 per month 3 per day)…
- Discover site targeted article ideas based on targeted problems and solutions
- Find and add targeted / related RSS Feeds
- Create extract unique content from YouTube video closed captions
- Banners ads/clickbank/amazon ads option included
Full hosting
Thriive PRO – OTO 1 (Price: $67)
Same features as FE with the addition of:
3 Sites Creation – so users can target additional niches
Syndication to 6 platforms (additional 2 platforms)
Create amazon shops in sites – adding targeted Amazon products for an additional revenue stream
Unlimited Content generation (No Restriction)…
- Addition: Discover and repurpose targeted PLR Content
Cname mapping – Users can add their own domain so their niche sites are unique to them (we continue to host)
Thriive Gold – OTO2 (Price: $47)
Same features as FE with the addition of:
10 Sites Creation – so users can target additional niches
Syndication to 7 platforms (additional 1 platforms)
Amazon + ebay shop integration (Ebay is the addition)
Cname mapping (same as OTO1)
Automation – THRIIVE auto-builds niche targeted stores via users own Amazon / Ebay API Key (training / instructions on API Keys included)
Thriive Instant Traffic – OTO3 (Price: $97)
User Pixel is added to Thriive sales page enabling them to build a large targeted audience.
Thriive Agency Unlimited – OTO4 (Price – $67)
Reseller package – Unlimited Sales
Full suite of DFY affiliate tools included
2x Traffic Training
Thriive 1k Week V3 – OTO5 (Price: $127)
1k Week V3 video tutorial with Done-for-you products. 7 Products
Reseller commission on all 7 products
All the user needs to do is fill in the blanks, generate and give away high quality pre-configured products. Each product becomes unique to the user after filling in the blanks.
Users benefit from an inbuilt promotional structure and high reseller commission percentage for all products.