Product Launch Profit is a course creation training program that helps the
course creators and Information product launchers to create their own
training program or course under 30 days to start making money. And it can
scaled it quickly to six figure business.
If someone is ready to turn your knowledge and expertise into a profitable
online course or training program in a matter of weeks, instead of months or
years, this offer is for them!
In today’s crowded marketplace, the best way to stand out from the
competition is to establish yourself as the go-to expert in your field. And the
fastest, most credible way of becoming an authority is by publishing an online
course or your own training program.
But the harsh truth is that most aspiring course creators or info product
launchers spend months, if not years of investing their time, energy and
money, only to publish their course and hear crickets.
Creating an online course that is profitable for Course Creators and
effective for the student takes a specific strategy!
The difference between courses that sit on cyber shelves and collect dust
and the ones that become wildly profitable are these three things. The folks
behind those profitable online courses:
1. create a course based on ONE SINGLE Pain point their audience is
looking for — Not what they THINK their audience wants to learn
2. are focused on giving their audience outcome not information
3. sell their audience what they WANT but making sure they’re
delivering what they actually NEED
So how do you make sure you’re delivering on all of these 3, and making
sure your course or your program is not one of the ones collecting cyber
Product Launch Profits is the answer!
You’re going to get the exact simplified roadmap Eli Natoli has used to create
22 profitable online courses, and have helped over 120K students do the
Your customers don’t waste another day debating and wondering….
• What’s the right topic?
• How do I structure my course?
• What content to include?
• How to record it?
• How to publish it?
They need to take this step and get their online course or their training
program out of their head and into the world!!!
Here's what they will learn in this offer:
FIND a profitable course topic idea.
This is a must-have piece to gain clarity on picking a topic that's in demand.
And they'll keep tapping into your findings for as long as they sell their
course, to continuously market and sell their course.
STRUCTURE your course for success.
Creating your course structure is not about coming up with talking points or
modules; it's about using the right path to walk their audience though to give
them their desired outcome.
CREATE content that delivers the promised result.
Most people think doing a brain dump of everything they know on a topic
automatically makes their course valuable. This couldn't be further from the
truth. They'll learn how to create the right type of content, so each lesson gets
their audience one step closer to their promised (and desired) outcome!
RECORD your course with ease.
This will help them identify the right delivery method for their audience and
their specific course topic. One that will create an engaging course and give
their audience the solution they've been promising.
EDIT your course.
By the time we get through this phase, they'll have highly engaging,
interactive video lessons, using easy-to-use editing tools and learn the tips
and tricks on taking even the most boring recording and turning it into a
memorable, engaging experience.
PRICE your course.
In addition, they'll learn the right techniques to price your course
appropriately, instead of pulling a random number out of thin air.
PUBLISH your course.
My goal is to help Course Creators not just build a course, but build a
business around your courses or your training programs. So we'll work
together to identify their bigger business goals, to figure out where this
Product Launch Profits sits in the bigger picture. That means helping them
choose the right platform to publish for their audience, their course topic and
their long term goals.
If aspiring course creators or info product creators have been thinking
about turning their passion, knowledge, and expertise into profits, this
is their opportunity to get their online course or their training out of their head and into the world!!!
Plus Ton of Vendor Bonuses along with the Software purchase
Hold On….Wait wait..i have something super special for you if you take action today.
These are super limited bonus which I give to the first 30 users and these exclusive bonuses are running out .
So take action and boom your business with this incredible new software and get my bonuses which will help you to crush this software.
The below Bonuses are exclusive for the first 30 users