How To Write Effective Facebook Ad Copy in 2020

Today in the article will discuss effective Facebook copywriting in five simple steps. This is gonna be geared more towards digital copywriting and everything. But technically these principles can work for any type of copywriting but let’s go ahead and discuss effective ad copywriting in five steps.

But before we can get to step one we’ve got to go to step zero which is what is copywriting. If you’re not familiar with it or you know maybe you’ve heard the term. Its all about selling and persuasion using written language. Basically words that sell and it’s more conversational and not always grammatically correct. It’s more like you know talking to someone one-on-one and copywriting basically includes text within your ads video scripts, social media captions, website and landing page text & webinar scripts. All that different stuff is copywriting because it’s basically convincing or persuading or selling someone in written format. It’s basically the exact same as talking to someone one-on-one and having a conversation and trying to sell. And copywriting is a huge factor or variable when it comes to if your ad is effective or not. The other stuff is like you know your offer and you’re creative and a couple of other things but your copywriting is very important. If your copy is bad people won’t connect with your ad and they won’t even care to read more. So definitely have good copywriting because it’ll make or break an ad.

Acknowledge /Attention

Acknowledge or get the attention of your target market or the people that you’re advertising to. Now, this becomes really easy because with the targeting options on Facebook and you know Instagram and Google. All types of stuff you can just show ads directly to your target market and speak just to them. So it makes it very easy to do this but you need to get their attention with an enticing or interesting headline or the first line of text. It should be short and concise to the point. So that they’ll stop and read more the whole point of the line. One is to get them to read lines two and so on now.

Some examples of this let’s say I was a Lawyer that had an office or a practice in Delhi.I could say suffering from back pain and live in the Delhi’s area and then you know someone would read that and say yes I’m suffering from back pain and I live in Delhi so I’m gonna go ahead and read more.

If you are an online therapist or something like that you could say it’s now possible to get therapy from your home in  New York you were targeting people in New York and if your a real estate agent could do something like ever thought of moving your family out of Bangalore something like that.

What this is doing is you’re acknowledging and you’re getting their attention it’s kind of like a pattern interrupt. Where they’re scrolling through Facebook and then they read they say hey what’s me that’s you know that’s relevant to me and stuff like that so you need to acknowledge them first.

Mentioning Their Problem

When you mention their problem and you already do that a little bit in the headline. But you need to go more into detail about their problem and you can easily do this by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. Just look at

What their life would be

The problem that they’re having

What they would need to hear

What they would like to hear to get their attention.

You need to create urgency within the person reading and you can connect with their emotions and get them to realize how big the problem actually is.

Like some people you know they just put off the problem or they’ve probably been procrastinating on getting your product or service for a bit. And once they go ahead and read your copy they’ll be like wow this is a bigger problem than I thought and then they’ll choose to move forward. What you can also use is basically this line which is people go towards pleasure and away from pain so just think about that whenever you’re writing copy. Definitely connect with their emotions because people make decisions on emotions and then rationalize them with logic and they make you know buying decisions. You should be specific and as targeted as possible when you go to general and to broaden it. It doesn’t feel like they don’t connect with it and they don’t relate so try to be as contextual as possible because it helps people relate to your copy.Feel like you’re talking to them one-on-one it’s like having a one-on-one conversation and they’re just reading along and this is why it blows my mind.


Talking about your solution after they see how big the problem really is and they emotionally connect to it they can and they can basically relate to. How you talk about to provide your product or service as the solution to their problem and you need to create curiosity. Don’t give away like all the details too quickly because how psychology works it’s like if someone understands something completely and there’s no kind of like curiosity or like mysteriousness to it they kind of just get bored and move on. So make sure that they want to learn more. It should intrigue them to go to your website or to move forward or click the call to action or learn more about your product or service. So don’t give everything away right away but you need to briefly answer these questions for them when you’re talking about your solution.

Who would buy?

Why would they buy?

What are they buying and how would they buy?

By writing this little example you can get some context.

For example “Our full-time daycare is the is for single moms in the Toronto area struggling to find time to relax and have time to themselves all it takes is a simple form to fill out and submit to us and we can start taking away some of the stressful burdens off your shoulders of being a full-time parent or the next day just so you can enjoy a bit of time with friends”

So answer all those questions within two sentences and that’s exactly how you should do it just be concise and tell basically you’re talking about results and outcomes not just features and benefits. If you just talk about features and benefits that are a bore, people.They don’t really care until they’ve made the purchase or they’ve almost made the purchase like they’re heavily considering purchasing your product. They don’t really need to know all the features and benefits until that’s like it’s only like 5% of the equation for most people. Because people make buying decisions emotionally and then they rationalize with logic so talk about the results and outcomes.

Results, Proof, and Testimonials

The next thing is the results and proof and testimonials. The best way to explain this is don’t tell it’s super easy for you to talk about you, know your business all day and say how great it is but for other people to say it is way more impactful. When it comes to an ad you should have customer testimonial videos in your ad and creative so you can actually call them out.

So let’s say you are a gym owner and then take a customer testimonial if someone has got a result.  If someone named Sarah in your copywriting you could say in our video below we talked to Sarah who joined our gym program seventeen days ago and already lost 39 pounds. That’s pretty powerful because if someone is interested in weight loss then they’re way more inclined to watch that video and be like wow you know.I relate to that or I’m also a person that wants to do weight loss and I saw these results this gym provided them. Maybe I should you know click on the call to action or learn more about this gym and it’s basically just being authentic and real in a world of what the internet. w Just make them as real as possible don’t try to make them too professional or anything because then it looks fake and scripted just be real.

On the next thing is never you shouldn’t mention round or whole numbers and the reason why is because those numbers typically aren’t believable even though they may be true. It’s just not really like a believable number for most people they just kind of like tune out.

So what I mean by this is if someone got results with your product or service and let’s say exactly 30 days or 14 days or 10 days or something kind of like a round number. You should extend that a little bit and say something like 32 days instead because it’s like a pattern interrupt. For most people and they’ll see oh 32 days that’s very interesting. When you see or hear 30 days you’re like oh yeah like everybody says. But when you say 32 days for whatever reason people just like are more intrigued by that and it seems a lot more real. Do your ad copy in everything with integrity.

But you should probably go a little bit longer which also kind of helps you exceed you know expectations. You should put something like 32 days. You know something like that it’s kind of like an odd number just to make people you know believe it more.

Call to Action

The call to action would basically be the last step which is you need to only have one call to action.It’s like what do you really want people to do. You just have one thing and just make it very simple. If you want to have multiple calls to actions, have multiple ads that are very different. Have the call to action very clear and concise and in every single in ads. Just copy and paste the call to action multiple times throughout your copy. So you should have it once near the beginning,  or the middle and then once near the end. In the Facebook ad, you actually have a button that’s a call to action right there near the headline. The reason why you’re copying and pasting at multiple times is that as someone is reading your copy there’s gonna be different people that buy or like.They want to move forward in different times so for some people maybe they only need to read the first six lines before they actually do want to move forward and like click on your call to action. Other people, maybe they have to read halfway through your copy before they’re like okay. Some people need to read the whole entire thing before they really trust you enough to click on the call to action so just make sure you have it multiple times in there for each of those different types of people and deliver on your promises. When someone takes action in your ad they go to the landing page or they go to your website or they go wherever make sure it’s the exact like same copy and like video and it’s not some completely irrelevant webpage and stuff.

Make sure you deliver on the promises and give them what they expect or you know whatever you’re promising just deliver.

In a nutshell that is effective ad copywriting in five steps and a lot of the stuff was again tailored towards like Facebook and Instagram and digital advertisements but these principles again can work for any type of copywriting.

Let me know if you have any other pointers which can be implemented in ad copywriting.

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