3 Audiences You Need to Know -Facebook Ad Targeting

Today in this post I will be walking you through the three types3 Audiences you need to know while doing Facebook Ad Targeting. You need to be focusing on when it comes to your marketing and your advertising. In this one, I’ve got something very interesting to talk to you about, and that is communication and the three types of audience that we need to be thinking about whenever we are communicating with our audiences.

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Facebook Ads Mistakes with Interest-Based Targeting

When you’re running ads on Facebook one of the most important things is targeting. As you probably already know there are many ways you can target on Facebook. In other words, one of the most and well-known ways of targeting Facebook is what’s called Facebook interest-based targeting. So this is the type of targeting where you go into your Facebook Ads account. And target Facebook ads to people who are interested in this subject. Unfortunately, everyone is making five major critical mistakes and this blog will discuss the same.

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How to Implement an Impactful Facebook Strategy in 2020

Most of you have been using a personal profile on Facebook for years at this point. And it’s possible that some of you have even had your business page for years too. Unfortunately, that sort of familiarity doesn’t always equate to real knowledge about how to use the platform in the best way possible to grow your business. Let’s make sure you have everything you need to make a difference with your Facebook page.

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The10 Biggest Facebook Advertising Mistakes in 2019

Facebook allowing its users to advertise to anyone for as little as $1. It’s never been a better time to master this advertising channel. With the in-depth targeting options available with Facebook Advertising you can get your marketing message to absolutely anyone. However, if you are unfamiliar with how Facebook Ads work you can make some very costly Facebook Advertising Mistakes.

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How to Use Social Media for Your eCommerce Business – 5 Steps to Success

Today we’re going to talk about how to use social media to grow your eCommerce business. Did you know that there are 3.4 billion people use social media worldwide actively? Even more impressive 65% actually use social media to purchase products. If you think that social media isn’t important for your eCommerce business, you’re dead wrong. It’s time to think again.

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Strategies To Build a Facebook Ads Funnel That CONVERTS in 2019

As a marketing consultant, I get the pleasure of talking to fellow marketers and business owners all the time. And one of the first questions I ask them is what they’re doing on Facebook Ads Funnel in 2019. I firmly believe there’s no better way to spend your money online right now.

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